
Datum: 2020-02-29
Utställningsplats: Södertälje
Arrangerande klubb: Svenska Terrierklubben Nationell
Domare: Liselotte Johansson
Land: Sverige
Antal hundar: 11
Hanar: 5
Tikar: 5
Valpar: 1
Inskickat av: Reidun Aldrin
Bästa hane
1: White Villan Hit The Road Jack, CERT BIM BIS-3 Junior
2: Jazzing Dirty Harry BIS-3 Veteran
3: Taraduza Grab A Cup, R-Cert
4: Across Victory

Bästa tik
1: Jazzing Bad Girl, CERT BIR BIS-4 Unghund
2: Primos Gimmie Gimmie, R-Cert
3: Burneze Dream Date
4: Across Romantico Toscana

Bästa valp
1: Primos Now Or Never BIS-2 Valp 1

Bästa veteran
1: Jazzing Dirty Harry BIS-3 Veteran

Valpklass 4-6 månader, tikar
1: Primos Now Or Never HP

Juniorklass hanar
1: White Villan Hit The Road Jack, Excellent CK

Öppen klass hanar
1: Taraduza Grab A Cup, Excellent CK
2: Across Ragazzo Spiritoso, Excellent 
Championklass hanar
1: Across Victory, Excellent CK

Veteranklass hanar
1: Jazzing Dirty Harry, Excellent CK

Juniorklass tikar
1: Primos Madame X, Excellent CK

Unghundsklass tikar
1: Jazzing Bad Girl, Excellent CK

Öppen klass tikar
1: Primos Gimmie Gimmie, Excellent CK 
2: Burneze Dream Date, Excellent CK 

Championklass tikar
1: Across Romantico Toscana, Excellent CK , Excellent CK 

Övrig information:
Övriga domare: 
BIS Junior, Nina Janger, Finland
BIS Unghund, Anne Buvik Livö, Norge
BIS Veteran, Nina Janger

ce3d16b706 stTek Sdertlje 2020 02 29 BIR Jazzing Bad Girl BIM White Villan Hit The Road Jack 099F0D5A258245C6B212420CE08F8071 1