

Datum: 2023-09-09
Utställningsplats: Gimo
Arrangerande klubb: SKK Nationell
Domare: Jan-Erik Ek
Land: Sverige 
Antal hundar: 6
Hanar: 3
Tikar: 2
Valpar: 1
Inskickat av: Lena Backman
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Bästa hane
1: Across Bello Bandito, Cert, Champion, BiR

Bästa tik
1: Across Bianca Amore, Cert, Champion, BiM

Bästa valp
1: River Ness Hello Summer, BiR valp

Valpklass 4-6 månader, tikar
1: River Ness Hello Sunshine, HP

Öppen klass hanar
1: Across Bello Bandito, Excellent CK
2: Riwals Sky Pilot, Very Good

Championklass hanar
1: Riwals Summer Storm, Excellent

Öppen klass tikar
1: Across Bianca Amore, Excellent CK
2: Rowdycharm Unique, Very Good




Datum: 2023-09-10
Utställningsplats: Högbo bruk
Arrangerande klubb: SKK Internationell
Domare: Palumbo Alexanda
Land: Serbien
Antal hundar: 7
Hanar: 3
Tikar: 4
Valpar: 0
Inskickat av: Ulla Koivuniemi
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Bästa hane
1: Across Bello Bandito cacib
2: Lazydays Asterix cert, j-cacib

Bästa tik
1: Lazydays Primo cert, v-cacib
2: Across Bianca Amore cacib
3: Lazydays Ariel res-cet. J-cabib

Bästa veteran
1: Lazydays Primo

Juniorklass hanar
1: Lazydays Asterix, Excellent, ck

Öppen klass hanar
1: Across Bello Bandito, Excellent, ck
2: Heldinas's Epic Survivor, Excellent

Juniorklass tikar
1: Lazydays Ariel, Excellent, ck

Öppen klass tikar
1: Across Biaca Amore, Excellent, ck
2: Shine Bright Vertragus, Excellent

Championklass tikar
1: Lazydays Primo
2: Across Bianca Amore
3: Lazydays Ariel

Veteranklass tikar
1: Lazydays Primo, Excellent, ck


Datum: 2023-09-02
Utställningsplats: Löttorp Öland
Arrangerande klubb: SKK Nationell
Domare: Gertrud Hagström
Land: Sverige
Antal hundar: 9
Hanar: 2
Tikar: 6
Valpar: 1
Inskickat av: Marianne Grankvist
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Bästa hane
1: Highland Crest One and Only cert BIM

Bästa tik
1: Soya’s Kerstin BIR
2: Superior White Camomill cert
3: Smash Scarlett reserv cert

Bästa valp
1: Skottborn’s It’s Showtime Hp

Valpklass 4-6 månader, tikar
1: Skottborn’s It’s Showtime Hp

Unghundsklass hanar
1: Captain Jack Sparrow Whisper Dusk exc

Öppen klass hanar
1: Highland Crest One and Only exc ck

Juniorklass tikar
1: Smash Scarlett exc ck
2: River Walk Miracle of Love exc
3: Smash ICE Rose exc

Öppen klass tikar
1: Soya’s Kerstin exc ck
2: Superior White Camomill exc ck
3: Shaker’s Gin Fizz exc